Tuesday, April 23, 2019


  • Do not think you will be Happy.
  • The time is now when you are alive and present in this world.
  • Count your blessings.
  • Thank God.
  •  You have two legs to walk,run and dance. You have two hands to fold and pray and say thanks to the Almighty, to lift up things , to have food and even to hug.
  • You have two beautiful eyes to look around you and appreciate all God's creations.
  • You have ears to listen the birds's voices and to listen to melodious songs.
  • You have the nose to sense the scents and perfume to feel happy.
  • You have the heart doing its job excellently well.
  • You do not have any deformities.
  • Do not cry,grumble and groan.
  • Do not be unhappy or sad and make others also near you unhappy and sad.
  • Everything in this world is not permanent.
  • They all change.infant,youth, middle age, old age and leave with peace all around.
  • Be Happy this minute.Keep on smiling.
  • Keep on going ,enjoying every second and breath.
  • Learn to be happy.Remain happy always.
  • Happiness comes from within and not from out.

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