Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Light Music - soft, uplifting, work, focus


  • Do not think you will be Happy.
  • The time is now when you are alive and present in this world.
  • Count your blessings.
  • Thank God.
  •  You have two legs to walk,run and dance. You have two hands to fold and pray and say thanks to the Almighty, to lift up things , to have food and even to hug.
  • You have two beautiful eyes to look around you and appreciate all God's creations.
  • You have ears to listen the birds's voices and to listen to melodious songs.
  • You have the nose to sense the scents and perfume to feel happy.
  • You have the heart doing its job excellently well.
  • You do not have any deformities.
  • Do not cry,grumble and groan.
  • Do not be unhappy or sad and make others also near you unhappy and sad.
  • Everything in this world is not permanent.
  • They all change.infant,youth, middle age, old age and leave with peace all around.
  • Be Happy this minute.Keep on smiling.
  • Keep on going ,enjoying every second and breath.
  • Learn to be happy.Remain happy always.
  • Happiness comes from within and not from out.


  1. Helianthus annuus, the common sunflower, is a large annual forb of the genus Helianthus grown as a crop for its edible oil and edible fruits. 
  2. This sunflower species is also used as wild bird food, as livestock forage, in some industrial applications, and as an ornamental in domestic gardens. REF.WIKIPEDIA.
  3. https://www.thespruce.com/fun-facts-about-sunflowers-3972329
  4. Prepare questions from the above link and put it in the comments when you find it convenient to know the facts about our dear SUNFLOWER.
  5. Learn the words,know the meaning of each word and try to use them in writing,speaking and day to day conversations.
  6. Nothing comes without Action.Action brings results.
  7. http://mentalfloss.com/article/68726/10-glorious-facts-about-sunflowers
  8. https://www.sunflowernsa.com/all-about/
  9. Visit these links,pick up the words and items which you are not familiar ,write them down, know what those words mean .
  10. Sunflower likes the Sun. It will follow the Sun where the Sun goes.
  11. Watching sunflower garden full of flowers dancing in the breeze is really enjoyable.
  12. Blessings and best wishes for you to be young in mind, spirit heart and soul.